Poster, zbMATH, Luncheon Seminar, Student's Seminar

GAMM Juniors are representatives of the young scientific generation in the fields of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics who represent these scientific fields within the academic research and the society. Activities include the contribution to the Committee “Future of GAMM” to support young researchers’ activities, organization of interdisciplinary workshops and summer schools for young scientists and the establishment of networking among young researchers in the GAMM. In their poster session the GAMM Juniors present aspects of their current research from different fields of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics.

”Mathematics on the Web – information and communication in mathematics”

The digitization of information and the Web has changed the way of working in mathematics and has extended the extended the application areas of mathematical models and methods, e.g., mathematical software is inside nearly all key technologies. The availability of digital mathematical information and knowledge in the Web is increasing rapidly, new services and methods for publishing, presenting, and accessing mathematical information in the Web must be developed. The meeting ”Mathematics on the Web – information and communication in mathematics” addresses some advancements of mathematical information services and mathematical knowledge management which are relevant especially for application areas of mathematics.

Organiser: Wolfram Sperber

Wie auf der DMV Jahrestagung 2015 in Hamburg wird auf der gemeinsamen DMV-GAMM Jahrestagung 2016 in Braunschweig ein Mittagsseminar zur Mathematik in Industrie und Gesellschaft stattfinden. Ziel ist es, die vielfältigen Bezüge der Mathematik zu Gesellschaft, Wirtschaft und Industrie zur Sprache kommen zu lassen.

Drei hochkarätige Referenten,

  • Frank Mang (Geschäftsführer Technology Accenture GmbH)
  • Dr. Hans Georg Zimmermann (Senior Principal Research Scientist, Siemens AG)
  • Klaus Strack (Executive Vice President Germany, itelligence AG)

werden zunächst in Impulsreferaten vortragen, welche Karrieren die digitale Welt für Mathematikerinnen und Mathematiker bereithält, welche Bedeutung die Mathematik für technologische Innovationen hat und welche Herausforderungen der IT-Beratungen auf MathematikerInnen warten.

Danach soll dann in einer moderierten Podiumsdiskussion auch das Publikum zu Wort kommen können.

Auf alle BesucherInnen des Luncheon Seminar wartet vorab ein Buffet um 12.00 Uhr im Foyer des Audimax.

Hier finden Sie weitere Informationen.

With this section we would like to address students of mathematics and related fields. The talks given will be centered around the research conducted by the speakers and will provide some insight into different areas of mathematics and mechanics. Since we want to give an overview rather than focus on a single field the talks will be comprehensible to advanced undergraduate students (4th semester and above) as well as masters students.

This session will probably take place on Thursday afternoon, 10-MAR-2015.

Organiser: Fachgruppe Mathematik TU Braunschweig