Submission of Contributions

After opening an account you can submit your scientific contribution to the conference until 18-Dec-2015 (see “Important Dates” in the menu list). For that, login with your username and your password at and click on “User Menu” and then “Manage Submissions”:

  • To submit the title and abstract of your scientific contribution click on “Create a new Submission”. Then type in the title and the abstract.
    • Make sure that both are written in plain LaTeX 2e.
    • Note that neither word nor pdf is an admissible format.
    • Further note that your abstract should not exceed one A4 page (after the conference you may submit a proceedings contribution), and for that reason the size of the abstract source code is limited to 5.000 characters which yields about 1,33 A4 pages of plain text.
    • Next, click on “Contributed Sections” under “Special Track” and choose the section number (S 01 – S 29), minisymposium number (MS 1 – MS 7), or young researchers minisymposium number (YR 1 – YR 5), to which you are submitting this title and abstract. Select “Plenary” for submitting title and abstract for a plenary lecture, the Prandtl lecture, or the public lecture. Finally, select the special tracks “Poster GAMM Juniors”, “Student’s Section”, or “Zentralblatt Meeting” for other events.
    • Then click on “Contributed Sections” under “Alternative Special Track” and make the second best choice for the special track. This helps us accommodating your contribution in case there are too many submissions in your primary choice for the section.
    • Finish by pressing the “Submit” button.
  • After submitting your contribution, you may change it or add information such as co-authors by clicking on WWW in the last column, below “Actions”.
  • Note that your scientific contribution can be accepted only if your payment of the registration fee has arrived by 31-DEC-2015 (see “Registration and Services” under “Online Registration” above).
  • By clicking on the link below “Abstract”, you can preview your submission the way it will appear in the “Book of Abstracts”.

Please note that the usual length of a contributed talk in a section is 20 minutes.