Publications 2019

Plenary Lectures

Plenary lectures may be published in the regular issues of “Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik  (ZAMM)”. Please contact the editor Holm Altenbach (ZAMM) in case of interest.

Papers presented in Minisymposia, YR-minisymposia and in Sections

Papers presented in minisymposia and in sections may be published electronically in PAMM (“Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics”).

The papers are strictly limited to:

  • Four (4) pages for a contribution to a Minisymposium, a Young Researcher’s Minisymposia, a DFG-PP Session or a special topic lecture of a section,
  • Two (2) pages for all contributed sessions (S1 – S24).

The editors reserve the right to deny publication of a manuscript based on a referee’s judgment. The papers need to be prepared in accordance with Wiley’s Author’s Instructions for Publication by using the following style files:

Unix  or  Windows

These style files and additional information may also be found on the homepage of PAMM (“Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics”).

Papers have to be uploaded through Wiley’s PAMM Online Submission Webpage until May 31, 2019.

Online submission:

  • (1) Register or login with your username and your password at: Wiley’s PAMM Online Submission Webpage
  • (2) Follow the instructions on the site
  • (3) Once your article has been received by Wiley for production the corresponding author will receive an email from Wiley’s Author Services system which will ask them to log in and will present them with the appropriate signed license – or, copyright transfer – agreement for completion.

Structure of the paper archive: a PDF of the paper and a single zip (alternative archive formats are: rar or tgz) file has to be provided with the following characteristics:

  • (4) All necessary files for a single article should be delivered inside a single archive folder, if possible without additional subdirectories.
  • (5) The name of the archive and the files it contains should refer to
    • (5.1) “Sxx” for Section no. xx (two-digit number with a leading zero), “MSx” for Minisymposium no. x, “YRx” for Young Researchers Minisymposium no. x, or “zbMATH” for the Zentralblatt meeting,
    • (5.2) to the family name of the presenting author,
    • (5.3) to the paper ID [found in the top line of the upload page reached after pressing “Edit”; see (3) above], and
    • (5.4) “vY”, refering to the version number Y (in case the version is revised).Do not use special characters (no accents, no diacritical marks, no umlauts, no blanks in file names, etc.) for file and directory names. Here is an
      Example: Author Th. Müller speaking in Section S28 uploads the first version of his full paper corresponding to his contribution with paper ID “34567” in a zip archive.
    • The archive name is , and this archive contains the files
    • S28_Mueller_34567_v1.pdf and
    • S28_Mueller_34567_v1.tex .
  • (6) The archive should minimally contain the LaTeX source code file and a PDF output version as a reference document to see the intended appearance of your contribution. It further has to include all illustrations, possibly BIBTEX and other data and definition files (macros), if any,
  • (7) The PDF files may be generated by means of pdflatex or latex (via dvips and ps2pdf). (Because of the ease of handling and for consistency pdflatex is preferred, but that is not a requirement.)
  • (8) If you use fonts in figure files please ensure that all used fonts are integrated into the file.
  • (9) The additional tags or commands for names, addresses, languages, etc. should be inserted into the LaTeX source files in a form as described in the file remarks_for_latex_users.