Sustainability Award of GAMM100
On the background of climate change, scientists are solicited to contribute ideas supporting sustainability.
To strengthen such activities, the organizers of GAMM100 have decided to establish the “Sustainability Award of the Annual GAMM Meeting 2023” (“Nachhaltigkeitspreis der GAMM Jahrestagung 2023”). The prize is endowed with 1500 € and will be awarded to original scientific contributions at the conference addressing issues of sustainability.
The notion of sustainability is very broad, and so the range of possible topics is very broad as well. Any proposal to use matter or energy more efficiently, topics resulting in measures mitigating climate change, issues of social sustainability, etc., may be eligible. This can range from very fundamental work to concrete applications.
The procedure is as follows: Together with their submission of an abstract, all contributors may submit a text as “Remarks on This Contribution” of maximum 300 words describing why and in which sense the submitted scientific work advances issues of sustainability. The authors of the contributions are certainly the ones who know this best. The document will only serve the jury and will not be disclosed. Important: This application text can also be added after having submitted the abstract, as long as submission is open.
A jury composed of organizers and externals will rank the submissions prior to the conference and nominate the successful contribution. In case of several high-quality candidates, which is very welcome, the award may be divided.
The award will be presented during the Conference Dinner.
The organizers, and presumably all participants as well, would be very happy about a number of candidates as large as possible. Beyond the existence of such an award this would support to demonstrate once more that the community is able to address relevant timely issues outside the tower of ivory.
The Sustainability Award is a measure of the Annual Meeting 2023 in Dresden. The organizers would be extremely happy if this could start a new tradition and be carried over to future Annual Meetings of GAMM, or to GAMM itself.