Online Registration & Abstract Submission

Registration for Participation

Please note: Start of online registration is February 01, 2022.

To register as a participant for the GAMM Annual Meeting 2022, please follow the link provided above. During the registration process you will have to generate an account on the registration website. This account enables you to access your documents related to GAMM 2022 (invoice, booking confirmation/ticket) also at a later point in time and allows extending your bookings if desired.

Only the first submission as first author will be considered. There is no limit for the submissions as co-author.

Submissions for Minisymposia, Young Researchers’ Minisymposia, DFG Priorita Programs are only possible on invitation.

Any changes and cancellations must be done in written form and sent to the conference office at

Abstract Submission

Please note: Start of abstract submission is February 01, 2022.

Abstracts have to be submitted via the online submission system. Please use the link provided above.

All participants are invited to submit an abstract for a short communication (max. 400 words, plain text) in one of the sections (20 minutes including discussion).

For a contribution in a minisymposium, young researchers’ minisymposium, and GAMM related DFG priority program an explicit invitation by the respective organizers is mandatory.

Authors are kindly requested to write the abstract in English. Each participant is allowed to present one paper only.
The collected abstracts will be published online.

Please assign your abstract to a section during the online submission. Additionally, please give a set of keywords related to the abstract.