The sessions introduce currently running Priority Programmes of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft which are related to topics of the GAMM.
PP01 Reliable Simulation Techniques in Solid Mechanics. Development of Non-Standard Discretization Methods, Mechanical and Mathematical Analysis
Organizer: Jörg Schröder (Duisburg-Essen)
Invited speakers:
- Stefanie Reese (RWTH Aachen University): “Similarities between the discontinuous Galerkin approach and reduced integration methods”.
- Thomas Wick (Leibniz Universität Hannover): “Mesh adaptivity for variational phase-field fracture problems”
- Ralf Müller (University of Kaiserslautern): “Modelling of Ductile Fracture by a Phase Field Approach”
- Marita Thomas (WIAS Berlin): “Analysis and simulation for a phase-field fracture model at finite strains based on modified invariants “
- Nils Viebahn (University of Duisburg-Essen): “A novel Hellinger-Reissner type Mixed Finite Element for Elasticity “
- Marcel Moldenhauer (Universität Duisburg-Essen): “Weakly symmetric stress reconstruction and a posteriori error estimation for elasticityn”
PP02 Compressed Sensing in Information Processing (CoSIP)
Starting with the pivotal works of Donoho and Candès-Romberg-Tao around 2005, the field of compressed sensing flourished at an unprecedented pace through close collaboration between mathematicians and engineers. The central problem in compressed sensing is the reconstruction of a signal, typically an element of a vector space represented in terms of a suitable basis, from only a limited number of linear observations. Despite the generally ill-posed nature of such linear inverse problems, the theory of compressed sensing shows that these types of problems still admit unique solutions, provided that the signals of interest exhibit certain exploitable low-complexity structures such as sparsity or low-rankness. Even more surprisingly, these solutions can be obtained by means of solving simple convex optimization programs. Considering the ubiquitous presence of structured signals in numerous applications such as wireless information and communication technology, imaging sciences, radar surveillance, and visual and audio signal processing, compressed sensing represents a powerful tool in the toolbox of mathematicians and engineers alike. At the heart of the current compressed sensing research lie efficient recovery algorithms, as well as necessary and sufficient conditions for stable and robust reconstruction, and the design of suitable measurement ensembles. The priority program “Compressed Sensing in Information Processing” (SPP 1798), started in April 2015, explores applications of compressed sensing in information processing. The program hosts innovative applications from wireless communication systems, channel and network coding, imaging sciences, radar and biological signal processing and pays significant attention to the underlying mathematical theory.
Organizers: Gitta Kutyniok (Berlin), Rudolf Mathar (Aachen)
Invited speakers:
- Felix Krahmer (TU Munich): “Bilinear Compressed Sensing “.
- Giuseppe Caire (TU Berlin): “The role of compressed sensing in wireless communications”
- Arash Benboodi (RWTH Aachen): “Sparse Recovery using Denoising Autoencoders”
- Maximilian Maerz (TU Berlin): “l1-Analysis Minimization and Generalized (Co-)Sparsity: When Does Recovery Succeed?”
- Lars Palzer (TU Munich): “Trade-offs in Compressed Sensing with Multi-Bit Quantization”
PP03 Property improvements of components by metal forming induced residual stresses
The Senate of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) decided to implement the priority program „Targeted Use of Forming Induced Internal Stresses in Metal Components” (SPP 2013). The program is designed for a term of six years. The increased demand for lightweight constructions in industrial productions requires the design, manufacture, and use of application oriented components. Forming manufacturing processes have many advantages over machining processes. Not only are the material utilization and productivity optimized, but also the fiber orientation is adapted to the specific task. This results in increased mechanical characteristics and dynamic strength of formed metal components. However, internal stresses greatly influence the performance of components manufactured by forming procedures. The state of initial stress is mainly responsible for component failure during the manufacturing process as well as during the use of the component afterwards. For this reason, internal stresses are currently considered as a highly unfavorable characteristic, which has a negative impact on a component’s feasibility. Efficient models and experimental testing equipment for operational stability already showed promising results for the potential usefulness of internal stresses. Therefore, the objective of the priority program is to regulate and control internal stresses by utilizing forming technologies in order to achieve a positive impact on relevant characteristics of components manufactured by forming processes.
Organizers: Wolfram Volk (TU Munich, introduction lecture)
Invited Speakers:
- Dominik Brands (University Duisburg-Essen)
- Thomas Böhlke (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, KIT)
- Markus Kästner (TU Dresden)
- Paul Steinmann (FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg)
- Markus Bambach (BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg)
PP04 Cyclic Deterioration of High-Performance Concrete in an Experimental-Virtual Lab
Organizer: Ludger Lohaus (Hannover)
Invited Speakers:
- Stefan Harenberg (Technischen Universität Kaiserslautern): “Micromechanical behavior of high performance concrete under cyclic loading at various moisture and thermal conditions”
- Vladislav Gudžulić (Ruhr-University Bochum): “Computational modeling to investigate the influence of the micro-structure and disorder on damage evolution in concrete”
- Michael Kaliske (TU Dresden): “Objective modeling of multixial softening of concrete”
- Mangesh Pise (University of Duisburg-Essen): “Analysis of pullout behavior of single steel fibers embedded in high performance concrete using phase-field modeling”
- Svenja Höper (TU Braunschweig): “Micro-Structure Related Modelling of Ultra-High Performance Fibre Reinforced Concrete (UHPFRC) Subjected to Cyclic Tensile Loading”
PP05 Polymorphic Uncertainty Modelling for the Numerical Design of Structures
Organizer: Michael Kaliske (Dresden)
Invited Speakers:
- Carla Henning (University of Stuttgart): “Polymorphic uncertainty quantification for stability analysis of fluid saturated soil and earth structures”
- Markus Eisentraudt (Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU)): “Fuzzy uncertainty in forward dynamics simulation using variational integrators”
- F. Niklas Schietzold (Technische Universität Dresden): “Polymorphic uncertainty modeling for optimization of timber structures”
- Steffen Freitag (Ruhr-Universität Bochum): “Optimization Approaches for Durable Reinforced Concrete Structures considering Interval and Stochastic Parameter Uncertainty”
- Niklas Miska (Ruhr-Universität Bochum): “A Method to Quantify Material Parameter Uncertainties Resulting from Microstructure Variation based on Artificial Microstructures”
- PhD Bojana Rosic (Institute of Scientific Computing): “Mesoscale Simulation of Shape Memory Alloy Film Damping”
PP06 Calm, Smooth and Smart – Novel Approaches for Influencing Vibrations by Means of Deliberately Introduced Dissipation
Organizer: Peter Eberhard (Stuttgart)
Invited Speakers:
- Aditya Suryadi Tan (Ilmenau University of Technology): “Limitation of an adjustable two degree-of-freedom damper system for directional damping”
- Suhaib Koji Baydoun (Technische Universität München): “Decoupling Coupled Structural-Acoustic Systems: Investigation of Structural Acoustic Damping Mechanisms”
- Alexander Nowak (Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU)): “Model and Parameter Study of a Shape-Adaptable Beam for Vibration Control”
- Vincent Sessner (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology – KIT ): “Experimental and numerical characterization of fiber-metal-elastomer laminates by using dynamic-mechanical analysis regarding its damping behavior”
- Klaudiusz Holeczek (Technische Universität Dresden): “Numerical investigations of polymer-based fibre-reinforced structures with fluidically actuated Compressible Constrained Layer Damping”
- Shahabeddin Ahmadi (KIT – Karlsruhe Institute of Technology): “Mesoscale Simulation of Shape Memory Alloy Film Damping”
PP07 Non Smooth and Complementarity-Based Distributed Parameter Systems: Simulation and Hierarchical Optimization
Organizer: Michael Hintermüller (Berlin)
Invited Speakers:
- Michael Hintermüller (WIAS Berlin): “Recent Advances in Non-smooth and Complementarity-based Distributed Parameter Systems”
- Kathrin Welker (Universität Trier): “Towards Semi-Smooth Newton Methods for VI Constrained Shape Optimization Problems”
- Amal Alphonse (Weierstraß-Institut): “Directional differentiability for elliptic QVIs of obstacle type”
- Matthias Stoecklein (University of Bayreuth): “Optimal Control of Static Contact in Finite Strain Elasticity”
- Andrea Walther (Universität Paderborn): “Optimisation via successive piecewise linearisation: Towards infinite dimensional problems”
- Sebastian Peitz (Universität Paderborn): “Set-Oriented Multiobjective Optimal Control of PDEs using Certified ROMs”