Plenary Lectures

(1) Certified Reduced Basis Methods for Parametrized Partial Differential Equations

Anthony T. Patera, Massachusetts

(2) Non-singular boundary integral method for confined viscous flow

Patrick Anderson, Eindhoven

(3) Probabilistic Nano-Mechanical Theory of Quasibrittle Structure Strength,
Crack Growth, Lifetime and Fatigue

Zdeněk P. Bažant, Evanston

(4) Fracture mechanics computations for piezoelectric and ferroelectric materials

Meinhard Kuna, Freiberg

(5) Matrix Functions: Computation and Applications

Andreas Frommer, Wuppertal

(6) Progress in Dislocation Based Plasticity

Peter Gumbsch, Freiburg

(7) Multilevel methods for PDE-constrained optimization based on adaptive
discretizations and reduced order models

Stefan Ulbrich, Darmstadt

(8) Validation and calibration of computational tools
for wind energy systems

Carlo Bottasso,Milano

(9) Network modeling and control of multi-physics systems

Arjan van der Schaft, Groningen

(10) Asymptotic analysis of atomistic systems

Andrea Braides, Rome