Bauhaus Walk
Price: included in registration fee
Length of tour: approx. 2 hours
Reservation: during registration

The Bauhaus-Universität Weimar is known as a place of architecture, art, design and engineer-ing. It is the birth place of the famous Bauhaus. We encourage all participants and accompany-ing persons to have a walk through Weimar, to follow the traces of the early Bauhaus, and to experience the exciting past and present of the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar. Here you will visit the office of the first director of the Bauhaus, Walter Gropius. The tour will be offered at different times during the conference and it will be free of charge.
For details see
Anna Amalia Library
Price: 7,50 € per person
Length of tour: approx. 1 hours
Reservation: during registration

The Duchess Anna Amalia Library is named after Anna Amalia, Duchess of Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach, who arranged in 1766 for the courtly book collection to be moved into the library. The library contains more than 2.000 medieval manuscripts, historical registers, maps, and musical scripts. The library’s most famous patrons was Johann Wolfgang von Goethe who was responsible from 1797 to 1832.
Guided tours through Weimar

For all participants it is possible to book guided tours through Weimar. These tours are organized by the Klassik Stiftung Weimar ( Tours with different topics will be offered including the residential houses of Friedrich Schiller, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe and Franz Lizst.
For these tours additional fees between 3 and 5 Euros need to be payed.
Day tips
For accompanying persons day tours to the neighboring cities like Erfurt, Jena, and Eisenach together with a visit of the Wartburg are charming events. We will not provide fully organized trips but may help in the organization of such excursions.
Wartburg Eisenach

Bachhaus Eisenach

Weimar Tourist Information
At Markt 10 is the first port of call for visitors to Weimar – and is also popular among local residents! The staff can help you with all your tourism enquiries – and if you’ve any requests, they’ll do their utmost to find a solution.
Journey to Weimar
Annika Eheim, a member of the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, gives you a short insight in the new visitor guide “Journey to Weimar”.