YAMM Lunch 2020: Young Academics Meet Mentors
You are a PhD student or Post-Doc and you want to stay in academia? You want to get some information on how to prepare best for the next steps on the career ladder? Or are you just unsure what your next step may look like? Do you have any other questions regarding your academic life?
Then join us at the YAMM Lunch 2020! Discuss with our experts from various career stages about their experiences, career strategies, and challenges in academia. Gain important insights in academic application procedures and get tips for your upcoming application. Find out how our experts reconcile their work, leisure time, and family life and what they think about characteristic numbers of academic track records.
The whole discussion will take place in a relaxed “World Café” setting. Food and drinks will be supplied. Note that the number of participants is limited to 60 persons. For the attendance of the event, a registration fee of € 30 will be charged.