Women‘s Networking Event

Dear female and non-binary researchers in GAMM,

We are pleased to invite you to the Women‘s Networking Event during the GAMM Annual Meeting 2025 in Poznan! The event is scheduled for Wednesday, April 9th, 2025, at the convention centre, beginning around 6:30 p.m. after the final lecture of the day. A light reception will follow.

The evening will begin with an inspiring mentoring presentation delivered by distinguished female scientists. We are excited to have won the three keynote-speakers for our event: Karen Veroy-Grepl, Katharina Schratz, and Marie-Therese Wolfram. Afterward, participants will have the chance to engage in a social mixer over a catered reception generously sponsored by GAMM.

Events like this have proved to be a great way to make connections outside your regular circles, hear from representatives of all levels of academia as well as industry, and to exchange experiences and information. We look forward to meeting you in Poznan! 

Should you have any questions about the event or wish to receive further details, please contact Charlotte Geier (charlotte.geier@tuhh.de) or Sonja Hellebrand (sonja.hellebrand@uni-due.de).

Charlotte and Sonja