Hosted by the Grand Hotel Tiziano, the next 86th Annual GAMM conference will take place on March 23-27 in Lecce.
Lecce is a historic city of 95,200 inhabitants in southern Italy, the capital of the province of Lecce, the second province in the region by population, as well as one of the most important cities of Apulia. It is the main city of the Salentine Peninsula, a sub-peninsula at the heel of the Italian Peninsula and is over 2,000 years old.
Because of the rich Baroque architectural monuments found in the city, Lecce is commonly nicknamed “The Florence of the South”. The city also has a long traditional affinity with Greek culture going back to its foundation; the Messapii who founded the city are said to have been Cretans in Greek records. To this day, in the Grecìa Salentina, a group of towns not far from Lecce, the griko language is still spoken.
In terms of industry the “Lecce stone” is the city’s main export, because it is very soft and malleable, thus suitable for sculptures. Lecce stone is a kind of limestone. Lecce is also an important agricultural centre, chiefly for its olive oil and wine production, as well as an industrial centre specialising in ceramic production.
Links of interest
Apulia’s Official Tourism Portal – Tourism Department and Tourism Promotion
The web portal is promoted and managed by the Department Mediterranean – Culture – Tourism of Regione Puglia.
www.viaggiareinpuglia.it (Lecce)
Puglia Events

The www.pugliaevents.it website aims not only to keep attention focused on culture and shows in the region, but also to involve and coordinate those working in these areas.
When it comes to visitors to the website, the aim is to become the reference point for the activities of operators living and working in Apulia, and for tourists planning their trip to the region.